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Hamoon is a health Center small in size but big effort and results. In addition to the treatments of helpless, poor widows and children, it does much other humanitarian work in order to help the women to enhance their knowledge and be aware of their rights. These programs include awareness programs such as benefits of breast feeding for the new born babies, guides towards prevention of consecutive pregnancies, workshops on women's rights, family and social rights, struggle against illiteracy, domestic violence and drug use and their effect on the family, particularly children, and other issues.

March 8, the International Women's Day, is the day that reminds us of the struggle of the brave and fearless women who fought for achieving equal rights for women and sacrificed their precious lives. its is the duty of all democratic and freedom loving women and men to get together and re-commit themselves to continue on their path and to receive inspiration from the blood of those heroic women of women's history.

OPAWC also celebrates this day every year in order to express the importance of this day, to make the women in OPAWC's centers aware of the struggle of women and sacrifices in the past, and at the same time to offer an opportunity for refreshment for the women.

According to the United Nation's report one out of every three women in the world is raped or beaten during her life time. Thus human and civil rights of one billion women are violated in the world. for the first time on 14-Feb-2013 one billion people rose against every type of discrimination against women to defend women's rights. Since then this day is celebrated in most countries of the world including Afghanistan with the same goal to put an end to all forms of violence against women:

  • To put an end to the culture of discrimination, violence and rape against women by having a billion people rise, including women and men.
  • To show global solidarity of men an women for defending women's rights.
  • To do new works in the era to defend human rights of women.
  • To say that today's world does not accept violence against women and violation of human rights.

OPAWC representatives participated in a one day conference on Initiatives to Eliminate Violence againest Women and its impact on the Community.

The conference was held on 31th December 2015 and organized by HAWCA (Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan), the European Commission and Womankind.

Representatives judicial members, the Head of Family forum, and members from legal institutions from the capital city and the province participated in the conference. Each participant different kinds of violence they experienced.

Over a  two-month period OPAWC arranged training session about gynecological issues for the women of the VTC.

The training was held once a week in the VTC campus and run by Operation Mercy trainers. The program was very important and interesting for all women.

Issues discussed included pregnancy, what women should do during this period, the various problems that can occur such as bleeding, high blood pressure, swelling of face and feet etc. The program stressed that such problems should be consider seriously. Similarly, issues of nutrition during pregnancy, heavy activities, miscarriages etc. were discussed in details.

On the last day some guests were invited from different sectors, among them Dr. Karima  Salak the Head of Kabul Women Affairs. Salak appreciated OPAWC's activities and praised OPAWC for what OPAWC is doing to help women overcome the difficulties in their lives.


Trainers from HAWCA, the Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and  Children of Afghanistan, held a workshop about Violence against Women in OPAWC's  center for the women on 10 November 2015.

The one-day workshop covered issues such as: What is violence, kinds of violence, reasons for violence,why women are not responding to violence, forced marriage, and world-wide efforts to eliminate violence against women.

International women activist including OPAWC participated in a demonstration against war and for peace on 19 November 2015 in Bangalore, India. A peace dance performed by a group of women form different counties attracted the attention of many people in the demonstration. Some of the slogans used were: End the war, End the occupation, End terror, End the war in the name of democracy and developments, we stand against all forms of violence against women around the world, and War is Terror.

OPAWC representative Latifa Ahmady participated in an international meeting of women in Kolar, Bangalore,India.

The three day meeting was held during 17-19 November 2015 with the support of Women in Black- Vimochana. More than 150 women activists from different parts of the world participated in various workshops, including international members of Women in Black (WIB).