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International Teacher's Day was celebrated in VTC Kabul on 5th October 2015.

The program was perfectly arranged by student themselves, They presented speech, poem and songs in praise of their teacher.

Director of Administration Mohammad Mauroof Rayan and Executive Director Latifa Ahmady also spoke about important roles of qualified teachers in a community. The asked the students to take active action and to use the opportunity they have to acquire nowledge. The talked about the current situation in 16 provinces where schools are closed and there is no teaching opportunity because of war.


The present war condition has effected the celebration of Teacher's Day in Afghanistan this year, allthough, some governmental institutions held the function.

This year the Education Minister Assadullah Hanif Balkhi Participated in one of the function, while praising talented teachers, he vowed to address their situation by saying: these words, "Improving teachers' lives has been the top priority in our programs, and i will not leave any stone unturned to improve their lives all over the country".

Last year, President Ashraf Ghani directed the concerned organizations to distribute land to all teachers around the country but this has not yet been implemented. His words were: "All governors and local officials will be directed to urgently act in distributing residential land to teachers, and we assure you that this process will be completed within six month".

The condition of teachers is very bad in Afghanistan; many of them have been killed and kidnapped in the insecure provinces.

Few months ago more than thousand of teachers closed the doors of the schools with their strike against the corruption in the Ministry of Education, and for not receiving their salaries on time.

Billions of dollars went to the pockets of Frooq Wardak under the name of teacher's salary during his time. The teachers claimed that he Ministry of Education gave an inflated number of 11 million school students while 9.5 million students have the chance to go to schools.

Shabnam, a teacher that OPAWC met, has worked as a teacher for the past 36 years. She says that teachers are paid the least among all government officials and that the government has not addressed their problems. She says:"Teacher in Afghanistan have to come to school and educate their students despite the challenges the face in their lives. They fulfill their responsibility as they can".

The function was ended by offering  the our hard working teachers with gifts, flowers and refreshment.