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OPAWC director Latifa Ahmady visited Farah Province in the west of Afghanistan in late September 2012 and came back with fresh and new information about the province.

She found that around 25 thousand people (men and women) of that province are addicted to drugs.

Most of them are those who returned from Iran. Because of unemployment in the country, many people try to find a job in Iran and stay there for years.


Women remain at home with lots of problems and are responsible to look after the children.

They weave carpets to support their families financially, and they don't have opportunities to attend the educational and skills programs.

Another huge problem is the bad security situation, caused by bombing of NATO on one hand and the threats of Taliban on the other hand. This puts pressure on the women, and they become sick as the result.

Most of the women have psychological problems.

They are under stress, and this stress causesto  abnormalities in their babies.

Latifa interviewed women who came to Hamoon Health Center and took photos of the mothers and babies. Most of them are seen to be abnormal.

The women told Latifa about their living conditions and asked OPAWC to expand its activities and establish other sections of medical treament in Hamoon Center. They were happy about the existing  services at Hamoon Center for poor people in that province.

OPAWC is worried about the condition of women in Farah Province and believes that an awareness program is very important in this province in addition to existing activities, that can keep women occupied; otherwaise a big human calamity will develop in that probince.

We are in search of such a project to support these women and  Hope to be successful in our struggle.