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OPAWC participated in a world court of women against wars, for justice.

The court was held by Women in Black- Vimochana and Mount Carmel College, Bangalore (India), in College premises on Monday, November 16,2015 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

The program included personal testimonies, political contextual testimonies, testimonies of resistance, movement testimonies and contributions from war and violence affected women and juries.

A one day workshop was arranged in OPAWC's Literacy Center on 8 November2015 by partner organization HAWCA and many women participated.

The workshop described in detail what being a child means according to the Civil Law and the Criminal Law. Many types of crimes against children were presented through lectures and joint discussion.

OPAWC participated in a gathering against the latest brutal incident concerning women and Farkhunda's case in the country.

This gathering was arranged by civil society institutions and the Afghan Women Network (AWN) on 8 November2015.

OPAWC being a women  organization considers it its responsibility to raise its voice for violation of women's rights in the country.

International Teacher's Day was celebrated in VTC Kabul on 5th October 2015.

The program was perfectly arranged by student themselves, They presented speech, poem and songs in praise of their teacher.

Director of Administration Mohammad Mauroof Rayan and Executive Director Latifa Ahmady also spoke about important roles of qualified teachers in a community. The asked the students to take active action and to use the opportunity they have to acquire nowledge. The talked about the current situation in 16 provinces where schools are closed and there is no teaching opportunity because of war.

An OPAWC representative participated in the First Literacy Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE) Forum Meeting  on 25th August 2015.

In this meeting high ranking members of the ministry of Education - Deputy for Literacy (DMoL) and many members of literacy institutions and supporters participated.

The Deputy for Literacy, H.E Muhammad Azim Karbalai, Presented updates on National Literacy/ Provincial Literacy and District Literacy Committees.

There were several discussions by UNESCO representatives and DMoL on the National Literacy Strategy Implementation Plan, also discussion on Compulsory Literacy for all, and discussion on planning for the celebration of International Literacy Day (ILD).

The 2015 function of graduation was celebrated in the Vocational Training Center on 8 May. 150 women received their merit and completion certificate.

The function was held in the basement of the neighboring building. more than 400 guests, including high ranking members of the government, foreigner supporters, members of the literacy deportment, heads of women and men shora (Afshar District committees), students and their mothers participated.

The agenda of the function was totally prepared by students themselves, which shows their grown confidence and progress.

Students presented songs that described the condition of women and told about their country.

OPAWC members participated in a two-days workshop arranged by the Afghan Women Network (AWN) in Kabul.

The objective of this workshop was to enhance the understanding of the role of gender among the participants in order to recognize the role of men and women in the community under the aspect of equal rights.

The participants came with many useful issues about gender, what is the appropriate role of gender? How dose one distinguish between the responsibility of men and women? How and in which ways can women reach a position to understand their rights, how do you struggle to empower women and to eliminate the existing injustice and inequality in the country.

OPAWC members participated in a three day seminar held by the Afghan Women Network (AWN).

In this seminar OPAWC staff learned the concept of advocacy: how to pursue justice, how to eliminate the exemption of abusers and criminals form, how to give psychological comfort to the victims and how to secure a safe community and implement the law. They were instructed in the three aspects of advocacy: Advocacy for the affected people, advocacy with affected people and advocacy through the people.