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Representatives from 30 countries participated in a 3-days conference titled "Violence against Women" which was held in Florenceof Italy on June 6,7,8,2013. Latifa Ahmady the director of OPAWC represented Afghanistan in this important event.


This conference was organized to celebrate the 30th anniversary of COSPE (Co-operation for the Development of  Emerging Countertries) that is a partner of OPAWC since many years. During the event ,COSPE presented an award to OPAWC for its good performance and reliable activities in support of Afghan women.

 In her speech in the conference, Latifa Ahmady Described the terrible conditions of Afghan women and the need for international cooperation of progressive and pro-democracy Organizations to put an end to it. She also described how the US and NATO Countries failed to fulfill their promises based on which they attacked Afghanistan around 12 yesars ago. While they talked about women's rights and democracy but in practice they empowered and supported the worse enemies of these values and imposed a corrupt government on Afghan people who put no value to human rights and democracy.

During her stay in Italy, Ahmady  gave a number of interviews to local  media and met some officials of Italian local governments.