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OPAWC members participated in the World Literacy Day event that held on September 5 /2016. This event was celebrated by Afghanistan Center at Kabul University (ACKU) where high ranking member s of educational institutions including Director of Kabul University, Deputy of Literacy and representatives of different institutions include OPAWC.

Dr. Sardar Mohammad Rahimi, the deputy of literacy was not happy and satisfies with the process of education in the country. He said:" around 850- 900 schools are completely closed in the country due to insecurity and war and those schools that are operating are also facing obstacles and the process of teaching is not satisfactory. In

general the quality of education in both schools and courses is low and we are not satisfied with the achieved result.” Rahimi included:" since Hamed  Karzay’s  period till now the literacy deputy along with its national and international partners has educated around 40% but 60% of citizens remained illiterate due to insecurity and poverty in the country,  from the total budget of Ministry of Education  we have only one percent which is very low  comparing to  the needs of Literacy section.”

OPAWC is happy to have high score in educating women and have work honestly in this field   and believe that the range of illiteracy in the country is higher than the percentage that has been announced by the deputy of literacy. OPAWC accepts all risks and promised to continue its reliable working in education field in the war thorn country.