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On 23rd August 2016 a one day workshop was held by OPAWC student in the campus of OPAWC center. The aim for this workshop was to raise awareness on the prevention of breast and ovarian cancer. The workshop was attended by around 60 women who were all the students of OPAWC.
The awareness session was presented by Farida 16, on the causes of breast cancer and the ways of preventing this disease.

Following the presentation, dialogue session took place in which the participants asked their specific questions on the breast and ovarian cancer.
At the end of the session participants appreciated OPAWC’s act for organizing awareness session on the important issue related to their health and asked for organizing more of these kinds of sessions, they took active part in the discussions.
Such workshops are arranged because about 1.7 millions of women are adapted to this disease and 27 thousands of them are dying in the world every year due to lack of knowledge of this disease. OPAWC is trying to help the women know the dangerous sicknesses and to prevent it on time.