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International women activist including OPAWC participated in a demonstration against war and for peace on 19 November 2015 in Bangalore, India. A peace dance performed by a group of women form different counties attracted the attention of many people in the demonstration. Some of the slogans used were: End the war, End the occupation, End terror, End the war in the name of democracy and developments, we stand against all forms of violence against women around the world, and War is Terror.


The demonstrators stood at four corners of the street with their slogans and placards. The demonstration ended with every participant lighting a candle for the memory of all those who lost their precious lives in the wars and for all victims of violence.

 A song sung by all demonstrators at the end of the demonstration said: Building Brides among the diverse-we are for you and you are for us -together we can make such a strong harmony. Building bridges among the diverse - we are for you and you are for us-together we can make such a strong harmony.