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OPAWC representatives participated in a one day conference on Initiatives to Eliminate Violence againest Women and its impact on the Community.

The conference was held on 31th December 2015 and organized by HAWCA (Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan), the European Commission and Womankind.

Representatives judicial members, the Head of Family forum, and members from legal institutions from the capital city and the province participated in the conference. Each participant different kinds of violence they experienced.


The participants discussed several issues, such as existing problems between government and non-government institutions regarding the empowerment of women and steps take for the elimination of violence against women, the role of civil society in the encouragement of violence cases against women, and the reporting on the implementation of the EVAW (Elimination of Violence against Women) law in cases of violence against women and its impact on community.

A brief report from HAWCA provincial representatives on their activites in the West and the East regarding this issue was appreciated by the audience, who praised HAWCA for their valusble activities.

Some of the participants complained that the EVAW law is not effective because it has not been approved by the parliament yet and the cases of violence have increased since it was introduced. But it was pointed out that the number of reports about violence increased because people, and particularly women, have becom aware of their rights and their level of knowledge has risen. In the villages and districts where there are no education and no awareness programs cases of violence are not reported.

In summary, the conference showed that the efforts of the civil institutions working for enhancing the education and knowledge of the women are effective and produce positive results. All institutions working in reducing aginst women should continue their work with even more determination than in the past.